Idea for the Day: Write a letter to a local business that has their tv set to Fox News

Today I'd like to propose a quick and easy civic action we can all take to further change towards a future with more rational thought.

I believe most of us agree that Fox News does not provide the level of honest, in-depth, responsible reporting that most people expect in a news organization. Lately, I've noticed many local businesses (restaurants, gas stations, bars, doctors, dentists, and more) have started placing flat screen TVs in their waiting rooms and dining rooms. Some of them have the channel set to ESPN. However, the majority I've seen are set to Fox News.

I propose writing a letter to any local business you see with their channel set to Fox News, and tell them how you feel about it. You may want to suggest that we can be more informed about policy by watching C-SPAN. Or, you may instead want to mention the unifying nature of sports or food, and suggest the Food Network or ESPN or Speed. Other possibilities for non-partisan channel ideas include HGTV, Discovery, Comedy Central, Syfy, the Travel Channel, or the History Channel. I've heard that snail mail makes a bigger impression than email and is more effective.

Please post your letters in the comments below.

Here's an example:

May 17, 2010

The Breakfast Club
4400 N. Scottsdale Rd. #100
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

To Whom it May Concern,

I am a local blogger and a foodie. I've had several delicious meals at your establishment. I am huge fan of poached eggs, and could rave on and on about your Huevos con Masa to my friends and family, and to the world at large via Yelp. However, I haven't done so because I am a frustrated customer.

Why? It's not because of your excellent food or service. You have your flat screen set to Fox News. This station contributes to making my beloved country a place of fear and division. I do not support news organizations that are intent on promoting extremist positions.

If you feel your customers are interested in government policy, I'd suggest changing the channel to C-SPAN. If they expect continuous news, I might suggest CNN, which at least attempts to address a non-partisan audience. If you'd rather create a dining area that strives to create a positive and unifying tone, I'd suggest ESPN or the Travel Channel.

I hope that in the future you will consider the diversity of your customers before choosing a TV station that is clearly partisan. Until then, I will not be visiting your restaurant or writing reviews of your tasty dishes.

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